from .dbtest import ( DbTest, dbconnect ) import os from psycopg2.extras import ( RealDictCursor, RealDictRow ) PATH_TO_SQL_DIR = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "sql" ) ) class TestExample(DbTest): @dbconnect def test_select_organizations(self, conn): self.load_fixtures( conn, os.path.join(PATH_TO_SQL_DIR, "organizations.sql") ) sql = """ SELECT * FROM organizations; """ with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur: cur.execute(sql) organizations = cur.fetchall() assert len(organizations) == 7 @dbconnect def test_count_the_number_of_subordinates(self, conn): self.load_fixtures( conn, os.path.join(PATH_TO_SQL_DIR, "organizations.sql") ) sql = """ SELECT COUNT(customers.*) AS "subordinates_count", AS "id" FROM organizations LEFT OUTER JOIN enterprise_sales_enterprise_customers customers ON customers.sales_organization_id = GROUP BY ORDER BY ASC ; """ with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur: cur.execute(sql) actual = cur.fetchall() print(actual) assert len(actual) == 7 assert actual == [ RealDictRow(**{ "subordinates_count": 0, "id": 1, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "subordinates_count": 4, "id": 2, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "subordinates_count": 0, "id": 3, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "subordinates_count": 0, "id": 4, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "subordinates_count": 0, "id": 5, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "subordinates_count": 1, "id": 6, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "subordinates_count": 0, "id": 7, }) ] @dbconnect def test_calculate_center_of_each_segment(self, conn): self.load_fixtures( conn, os.path.join(PATH_TO_SQL_DIR, "japan_segments.sql") ) # PostGIS is very useful! sql = """ SELECT id, ST_X(ST_Centroid(bounds)) AS "longitude", ST_Y(ST_Centroid(bounds)) AS "latitude" FROM japan_segments ; """ with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur: cur.execute(sql) actual = cur.fetchall() print(actual) assert len(actual) == 10 assert actual == [ RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_1", "longitude": 130.642228315775, "latitude": 30.7045454545455, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_2", "longitude": 130.694183864916, "latitude": 30.7045454545455, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_3", "longitude": 130.746139414057, "latitude": 30.7045454545455, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_4", "longitude": 129.707028431231, "latitude": 30.75, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_5", "longitude": 129.758983980373, "latitude": 30.75, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_6", "longitude": 129.810939529514, "latitude": 30.75, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_7", "longitude": 129.862895078655, "latitude": 30.75, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_8", "longitude": 129.914850627797, "latitude": 30.75, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_9", "longitude": 129.966806176937, "latitude": 30.75, }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_10", "longitude": 130.018761726079, "latitude": 30.75, }) ] @dbconnect def test_segments_using_geojson_boundary(self, conn): self.load_fixtures( conn, os.path.join(PATH_TO_SQL_DIR, "japan_segments.sql") ) # Taking this task very literally and using the GeoJSON # directly with PostGIS `ST_GeomFromGeoJSON` sql = """ SELECT id FROM japan_segments WHERE ST_Within( bounds, ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 130.27313232421875, 30.519681272749402 ], [ 131.02020263671875, 30.519681272749402 ], [ 131.02020263671875, 30.80909017893796 ], [ 130.27313232421875, 30.80909017893796 ], [ 130.27313232421875, 30.519681272749402 ] ] ] }'), 4326) ); """ with conn.cursor(cursor_factory=RealDictCursor) as cur: cur.execute(sql) actual = cur.fetchall() print(actual) assert len(actual) == 3 assert actual == [ RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_1", }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_2", }) , RealDictRow(**{ "id": "KAGOSHIMA_3", }) ]