SQL practices === ### ToC - [Practice 1](#practice-1) - [Practice 2](#practice-2) - [Practice 3](#practice-3) # Practice 1 - Count the number of subordinate 'ENTERPRISE\_CUSTOMER' organizations for each organization. ```sql SELECT COUNT(customers.*) AS "subordinates_count", organizations.id AS "id" FROM organizations LEFT OUTER JOIN enterprise_sales_enterprise_customers customers ON customers.sales_organization_id = organizations.id GROUP BY organizations.id ORDER BY organizations.id ASC ; ``` # Practice 2 - Calculate the center of each `japan_segment`. ```sql SELECT id, ST_X(ST_Centroid(bounds)) AS "longitude", ST_Y(ST_Centroid(bounds)) AS "latitude" FROM japan_segments ; ``` # Practice 3 - Select `japan_segments` within the bounds represented as the following GeoJSON. ```json { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 130.27313232421875, 30.519681272749402 ], [ 131.02020263671875, 30.519681272749402 ], [ 131.02020263671875, 30.80909017893796 ], [ 130.27313232421875, 30.80909017893796 ], [ 130.27313232421875, 30.519681272749402 ] ] ] } } ] } ``` ![Kagoshima segments](./img/kagoshima_segments.png) ```sql SELECT id FROM japan_segments WHERE ST_Within( bounds, ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 130.27313232421875, 30.519681272749402 ], [ 131.02020263671875, 30.519681272749402 ], [ 131.02020263671875, 30.80909017893796 ], [ 130.27313232421875, 30.80909017893796 ], [ 130.27313232421875, 30.519681272749402 ] ] ] }'), 4326) ); ```