CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis WITH SCHEMA public; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"; CREATE TABLE addresses ( "id" bigserial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "address_line_1" character varying(255) NOT NULL, "address_line_2" character varying(255), "city" character varying(255) NOT NULL, "region" character varying(255) NOT NULL, "country" character varying(255) NOT NULL, "zip_code" character varying(255) NOT NULL, "phone" character varying(255) NOT NULL, "uuid" UUID UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() ); CREATE TYPE organization_type AS ENUM ('CUSTOMER', 'ENTERPRISE', 'ENTERPRISE_CUSTOMER'); CREATE TABLE organizations ( "id" bigserial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "name" character varying(100) NOT NULL, "address_id" integer UNIQUE NOT NULL REFERENCES addresses("id"), "type" organization_type NOT NULL, "created_at" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), "uuid" UUID UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() ); CREATE TABLE enterprise_sales_enterprise_customers ( "sales_organization_id" bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES organizations("id"), "customer_organization_id" bigint NOT NULL REFERENCES organizations("id"), CONSTRAINT sales_organization_customer_organization_key PRIMARY KEY ( sales_organization_id, customer_organization_id ) );