import unittest import functools import psycopg2 import os from typing import Any def dbconnect(func): @functools.wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): inner.__wrapped__ = func params = { "host": "testdb", "port": 5432, "dbname": "test", "user": "postgres", "password": "password", } print(f"Connecting for {params}") # conn = None try: with psycopg2.connect(**params) as conn: func(*args, conn=conn, **kwargs) finally: if conn: print(f"Close connection for {params}") conn.close() return inner class DbTest(unittest.TestCase): @dbconnect def setUp(self, conn): print("Invoking setUp") print("Set up database schema") path_to_schema = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "sql", "schema.sql" ) with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS public;") schema_sql = self.read_file(path_to_schema) print(f"Loading {path_to_schema}") cur.execute(schema_sql) print(f"Loaded {path_to_schema}") @dbconnect def tearDown(self, conn): print("Invoking tearDown") print("Tore down database schema") with conn.cursor() as cur: print("Droping schema") cur.execute("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS public CASCADE;") print("Dropped schema") def load_fixtures(self, conn: Any, *path_to_sqls: str) -> None: for path_to_sql in path_to_sqls: sql = self.read_file(path_to_sql) with conn.cursor() as cur: print(f"Executing {path_to_sql}") cur.execute(sql) print(f"Executed {path_to_sql}") def read_file(self, path_to_file: str) -> str: with open(path_to_file, "r") as f: return